Gospel Friends – India Ministry
http://cowmanauction.com/wp-content/plugins/ccx/ http://www.gospelfriends.org/
Mississippi State University Fellowship of Christian Athletes (Director of MSUFCA, Bill Buckley, is a former CWM president)
Nangandao www.msufca.org
American Family Radio
Aldersgate Renewal Ministries, Spirit-Filled Living in the Wesleyan Tradition
FreeMinuteMessage, Entertaining and engaging video messages by Rev. Kyle Ivy
Dr. Craig Green, 2012 Holy Spirit Conference Keynote Speaker
Wesley Putnam, 2012 Holy Spirit Conference dramatist and leader of children’s program, Coordinator of Africa Mission 2012 children’s crusade.
Tuesday’s Grace: A Modern Day Miracle – A book written by Sara Howard. Sara gave her testimony at our 2012 Missouri FaithLift.
Tuesday’s Grace
Trisomy 13 – Information and letter regarding trisomy 13 from Julie Sexton, PhD. Julie had a child diagnosed with trisomy 13. Julie gave her testimony at our 2012 Mississippi FaithLift.
Trisomy 13
Child Voice International – Child Voice International seeks to restore the voices of children silenced by war, particularly the children kidnapped in Uganda and forced to be soldiers and to carry out acts of brutality against villagers in that area.
Tammie Tubbs – Tammie gave her testimony at the Starkville area Women’s Retreat in June 2013. www.tammiettubbs.com