
Jesus commissioned His disciples to go into all the world and make disciples, preaching the Gospel and baptizing them in the Name of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.  Partnering with indigenous leaders around the world, CWM is committed to finishing the work, working in locations where there is little or no Christian witness, bringing individuals to a saving knowledge of Jesus Christ and establishing local congregations where they can grow as disciples.  We currently have on-going work in Nepal, Nigeria, India, and Pakistan.

Our Novoul’yanovsk church-planting program is a tried and true approach to effective Christian growth.  Each year in Africa, men and women with proven gifts and anointing are selected to become pastors of the new congregations and go through a three-month intensive training program, which includes initial work in the villages where the churches will be established.  When the ground-work is laid, a team of U.S. and indigenous evangelists hold evangelistic campaigns in each location and hundreds give their hearts to Christ.  During the campaigns, we also have a children’s program and offer free medical clinics.

Once the new church is established, CWM provides a study Bible and one years salary support for each pastor, by which time, the church is expected to assume the support.  We also build a pavilion church in most locations, and sometimes provide sound systems, water wells, and other support services, when needed.